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Passive Monitoring

What is Passive Monitoring?

Passive Monitoring utilizes remote and non-wearable sensors to detect falls at all times, track average sleep time, and in and out of bed activity. Its customizable analytics can be tailored to any care plan to track location, presence, and time of falls, as well as minor falls before a catastrophic fall occurs.

WellAware Care offers instant fall detection at all times, tracking average sleep time and time in and out of bed. Its customizable analytics can be tailored to any care plan to track location, presence, and time of falls, as well as minor falls before a catastrophic fall occurs. In addition to offering VAYYAR Care monitors, WellAware Care offers the Withings Sleep Analyzer, a device that tracks sleep cycles with a simple setup under the mattress.


Learn More About
Passive Monitoring

STAAR Alert uses Vayyar Care’s wall mounted fall detection sensor to accurately detect falls in real time. This combined with an under the mattress bed sensor provides 24/7 touchless monitoring of sleep patterns and in and out of bed activity.

  • Touchless technology

  • Multifunctional sensing

  • Wide field of view

  • Small form factor

  • High resolution

  • Long-range scanning

  • Mains-powered

  • Over-the-air updates

Try STAAR Alert FREE for 30 Days

Budget-friendly options are available! We are truly thankful for our amazing STAAR clients. Call in for specials that may not be available online.

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